Iron Man 2


I watched Iron Man 2 on Saturday night. Before I watched the movie, I heard from others that the second one is a step below the original one. But after I have seen it, I think it was also a very good movie. Maybe the story was not perfect, like the scene of tony made a new element by using his homemade machine. But this is a super hero movie, anything could happens. Different from the original one, the second one more focused on Tony Stark's character,  like his childhood and alcohol problem. I like the new character in this movie, which is the bad guy - Ivan Vanko. Ivan also had ability to make a very powerful suite, because of this, there were lots of very good fighting scenes. I enjoyed those fighting scenes, specially the one they were fighting on a F1 track, it was interesting to see two man fighting with super power. With no questions about the ending, the good guy beat the bad guy, as this is a traditional American super hero movie. There are so many American super hero movie, like Spiderman, Hulk, Superman, and my favorite one was Batman 2, I think thats the one can be called classic.

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