Auckland Art Gallery







The next three pictures are from "Making Useful Useless". The artiest shredded a Toyota Corolla DX 1994 car, but it was hard to tell this artwork on the floor was a car. For the first sight, there were only "trash" on the floor, after saw the plate and parking tickets, I started to question myself "was this a car before?". There are some familiar car parts in the "trash", they were the answer of my question, it was a car before.




A very interesting artwork, it looked like a huge black cloud floating in the air. When I got closer, I can see it made of hundreds of microphones. If anyone get close to the artwork, it will start play music, the music from sky.



The artist used an airport display to tell some thing. The text on this display changes every few seconds.


After I have taken all the above photos, an art gallery staff told me I was not allowed to take photos, so I don't have the photo of my  favorite. My favorite piece was "The Room with a bird", that was a room with several perches hanging from the roof. When someone walk by, perches move just like a bird jumps off it, and there is also a bird noise. When I was in this room, I felt there was a bird in the room, it made noise and jumped off the perch, but I couldn't see it.

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